ApplicationCall | Creates a set of fields used to submit an Application Call inner transaction |
ApplicationCallInnerTransaction | Application Call inner transaction |
AssetConfig | Creates a set of fields used to submit an Asset Config inner transaction |
AssetConfigInnerTransaction | Asset Config inner transaction |
AssetFreeze | Creates a set of fields used to submit a Asset Freeze inner transaction |
AssetFreezeInnerTransaction | Asset Freeze inner transaction |
AssetTransfer | Creates a set of fields used to submit an Asset Transfer inner transaction |
AssetTransferInnerTransaction | Asset Transfer inner transaction |
InnerTransaction | Creates a set of fields used to submit an inner transaction of any type |
InnerTransactionResult | An inner transaction of any type |
KeyRegistration | Creates a set of fields used to submit a Key Registration inner transaction |
KeyRegistrationInnerTransaction | Key Registration inner transaction |
Payment | Creates a set of fields used to submit a Payment inner transaction |
PaymentInnerTransaction | Payment inner transaction |
submit_txns | Submits a group of up to 16 inner transactions parameters |
class algopy.itxn.ApplicationCall
ApplicationCall(*, app_id: algopy.Application | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, approval_program: algopy.Bytes | bytes | tuple[algopy.Bytes, …] = …, clear_state_program: algopy.Bytes | bytes | tuple[algopy.Bytes, …] = …, on_completion: algopy.OnCompleteAction | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, global_num_uint: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, global_num_bytes: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, local_num_uint: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, local_num_bytes: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, extra_program_pages: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, app_args: tuple[object, …] = …, accounts: tuple[algopy.Account, …] = …, assets: tuple[algopy.Asset, …] = …, apps: tuple[algopy.Application, …] = …, sender: algopy.Account | str = …, fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, note: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = …)
Creates a set of fields used to submit an Application Call inner transaction
copy() → Self
Copies a set of inner transaction parameters
set(*, app_id: algopy.Application | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, approval_program: algopy.Bytes | bytes | tuple[algopy.Bytes, …] = …, clear_state_program: algopy.Bytes | bytes | tuple[algopy.Bytes, …] = …, on_completion: algopy.OnCompleteAction | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, global_num_uint: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, global_num_bytes: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, local_num_uint: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, local_num_bytes: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, extra_program_pages: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, app_args: tuple[object, …] = …, accounts: tuple[algopy.Account, …] = …, assets: tuple[algopy.Asset, …] = …, apps: tuple[algopy.Application, …] = …, sender: algopy.Account | str = …, fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, note: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = …) → None
Updates inner transaction parameter values
submit() → algopy.itxn._TResult_co
Submits inner transaction parameters and returns the resulting inner transaction
class algopy.itxn.ApplicationCallInnerTransaction
Application Call inner transaction
accounts(index: algopy.UInt64 | int, /) → algopy.Account
Accounts listed in the ApplicationCall transaction
app_args(index: algopy.UInt64 | int, /) → algopy.Bytes
Arguments passed to the application in the ApplicationCall transaction
property app_id
app_id : algopy.Application
ApplicationID from ApplicationCall transaction
property approval_program
approval_program : algopy.Bytes
Approval program
approval_program_pages(index: algopy.UInt64 | int, /) → algopy.Bytes
Approval Program as an array of pages
apps(index: algopy.UInt64 | int, /) → algopy.Application
Foreign Apps listed in the ApplicationCall transaction
assets(index: algopy.UInt64 | int, /) → algopy.Asset
Foreign Assets listed in the ApplicationCall transaction
property clear_state_program
clear_state_program : algopy.Bytes
Clear State program
clear_state_program_pages(index: algopy.UInt64 | int, /) → algopy.Bytes
Clear State Program as an array of pages
property created_app
created_app : algopy.Application
ApplicationID allocated by the creation of an application
property extra_program_pages
extra_program_pages : algopy.UInt64
Number of additional pages for each of the application’s approval and clear state programs. An ExtraProgramPages of 1 means 2048 more total bytes, or 1024 for each program.
property fee
fee : algopy.UInt64
property first_valid
first_valid : algopy.UInt64
round number
property first_valid_time
first_valid_time : algopy.UInt64
UNIX timestamp of block before txn.FirstValid. Fails if negative
property global_num_bytes
global_num_bytes : algopy.UInt64
Number of global state byteslices in ApplicationCall
property global_num_uint
global_num_uint : algopy.UInt64
Number of global state integers in ApplicationCall
property group_index
group_index : algopy.UInt64
Position of this transaction within an atomic transaction group. A stand-alone transaction is implicitly element 0 in a group of 1
property last_log
last_log : algopy.Bytes
The last message emitted. Empty bytes if none were emitted. Application mode only
property last_valid
last_valid : algopy.UInt64
round number
property lease
lease : algopy.Bytes
32 byte lease value
property local_num_bytes
local_num_bytes : algopy.UInt64
Number of local state byteslices in ApplicationCall
property local_num_uint
local_num_uint : algopy.UInt64
Number of local state integers in ApplicationCall
logs(index: algopy.UInt64 | int) → algopy.Bytes
Log messages emitted by an application call
property note
note : algopy.Bytes
Any data up to 1024 bytes
property num_accounts
num_accounts : algopy.UInt64
Number of ApplicationArgs
property num_app_args
num_app_args : algopy.UInt64
Number of ApplicationArgs
property num_approval_program_pages
num_approval_program_pages : algopy.UInt64
Number of Approval Program pages
property num_apps
num_apps : algopy.UInt64
Number of Applications
property num_assets
num_assets : algopy.UInt64
Number of Assets
property num_clear_state_program_pages
num_clear_state_program_pages : algopy.UInt64
Number of Clear State Program pages
property num_logs
num_logs : algopy.UInt64
Number of logs
property on_completion
on_completion : algopy.OnCompleteAction
ApplicationCall transaction on completion action
property rekey_to
rekey_to : algopy.Account
32 byte Sender’s new AuthAddr
property sender
sender : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property txn_id
txn_id : algopy.Bytes
The computed ID for this transaction. 32 bytes.
property type
type : algopy.TransactionType
Transaction type as integer
property type_bytes
type_bytes : algopy.Bytes
Transaction type as bytes
class algopy.itxn.AssetConfig
AssetConfig(*, config_asset: algopy.Asset | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, total: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, unit_name: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, asset_name: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, decimals: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, default_frozen: bool = …, url: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, metadata_hash: algopy.Bytes | bytes = …, manager: algopy.Account | str = …, reserve: algopy.Account | str = …, freeze: algopy.Account | str = …, clawback: algopy.Account | str = …, sender: algopy.Account | str = …, fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, note: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = …)
Creates a set of fields used to submit an Asset Config inner transaction
copy() → Self
Copies a set of inner transaction parameters
set(*, config_asset: algopy.Asset | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, total: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, unit_name: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, asset_name: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, decimals: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, default_frozen: bool = …, url: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, metadata_hash: algopy.Bytes | bytes = …, manager: algopy.Account | str = …, reserve: algopy.Account | str = …, freeze: algopy.Account | str = …, clawback: algopy.Account | str = …, sender: algopy.Account | str = …, fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, note: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = …) → None
Updates inner transaction parameter values
submit() → algopy.itxn._TResult_co
Submits inner transaction parameters and returns the resulting inner transaction
class algopy.itxn.AssetConfigInnerTransaction
Asset Config inner transaction
property asset_name
asset_name : algopy.Bytes
The asset name
property clawback
clawback : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property config_asset
config_asset : algopy.Asset
Asset ID in asset config transaction
property created_asset
created_asset : algopy.Asset
Asset ID allocated by the creation of an ASA
property decimals
decimals : algopy.UInt64
Number of digits to display after the decimal place when displaying the asset
property default_frozen
default_frozen : bool
Whether the asset’s slots are frozen by default or not, 0 or 1
property fee
fee : algopy.UInt64
property first_valid
first_valid : algopy.UInt64
round number
property first_valid_time
first_valid_time : algopy.UInt64
UNIX timestamp of block before txn.FirstValid. Fails if negative
property freeze
freeze : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property group_index
group_index : algopy.UInt64
Position of this transaction within an atomic transaction group. A stand-alone transaction is implicitly element 0 in a group of 1
property last_valid
last_valid : algopy.UInt64
round number
property lease
lease : algopy.Bytes
32 byte lease value
property manager
manager : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property metadata_hash
metadata_hash : algopy.Bytes
32 byte commitment to unspecified asset metadata
property note
note : algopy.Bytes
Any data up to 1024 bytes
property rekey_to
rekey_to : algopy.Account
32 byte Sender’s new AuthAddr
property reserve
reserve : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property sender
sender : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property total
total : algopy.UInt64
Total number of units of this asset created
property txn_id
txn_id : algopy.Bytes
The computed ID for this transaction. 32 bytes.
property type
type : algopy.TransactionType
Transaction type as integer
property type_bytes
type_bytes : algopy.Bytes
Transaction type as bytes
property unit_name
unit_name : algopy.Bytes
Unit name of the asset
property url
url : algopy.Bytes
class algopy.itxn.AssetFreeze
AssetFreeze(*, freeze_asset: algopy.Asset | algopy.UInt64 | int, freeze_account: algopy.Account | str, frozen: bool, sender: algopy.Account | str = …, fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, note: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = …)
Creates a set of fields used to submit a Asset Freeze inner transaction
copy() → Self
Copies a set of inner transaction parameters
set(*, freeze_asset: algopy.Asset | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, freeze_account: algopy.Account | str = …, frozen: bool = …, sender: algopy.Account | str = …, fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, note: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = …) → None
Updates inner transaction parameter values
submit() → algopy.itxn._TResult_co
Submits inner transaction parameters and returns the resulting inner transaction
class algopy.itxn.AssetFreezeInnerTransaction
Asset Freeze inner transaction
property fee
fee : algopy.UInt64
property first_valid
first_valid : algopy.UInt64
round number
property first_valid_time
first_valid_time : algopy.UInt64
UNIX timestamp of block before txn.FirstValid. Fails if negative
property freeze_account
freeze_account : algopy.Account
32 byte address of the account whose asset slot is being frozen or un-frozen
property freeze_asset
freeze_asset : algopy.Asset
Asset ID being frozen or un-frozen
property frozen
frozen : bool
The new frozen value, 0 or 1
property group_index
group_index : algopy.UInt64
Position of this transaction within an atomic transaction group. A stand-alone transaction is implicitly element 0 in a group of 1
property last_valid
last_valid : algopy.UInt64
round number
property lease
lease : algopy.Bytes
32 byte lease value
property note
note : algopy.Bytes
Any data up to 1024 bytes
property rekey_to
rekey_to : algopy.Account
32 byte Sender’s new AuthAddr
property sender
sender : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property txn_id
txn_id : algopy.Bytes
The computed ID for this transaction. 32 bytes.
property type
type : algopy.TransactionType
Transaction type as integer
property type_bytes
type_bytes : algopy.Bytes
Transaction type as bytes
class algopy.itxn.AssetTransfer
AssetTransfer(*, xfer_asset: algopy.Asset | algopy.UInt64 | int, asset_receiver: algopy.Account | str, asset_amount: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, asset_sender: algopy.Account | str = …, asset_close_to: algopy.Account | str = …, sender: algopy.Account | str = …, fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, note: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = …)
Creates a set of fields used to submit an Asset Transfer inner transaction
copy() → Self
Copies a set of inner transaction parameters
set(*, xfer_asset: algopy.Asset | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, asset_amount: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, asset_sender: algopy.Account | str = …, asset_receiver: algopy.Account | str = …, asset_close_to: algopy.Account | str = …, sender: algopy.Account | str = …, fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, note: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = …) → None
Updates transaction parameter values
submit() → algopy.itxn._TResult_co
Submits inner transaction parameters and returns the resulting inner transaction
class algopy.itxn.AssetTransferInnerTransaction
Asset Transfer inner transaction
property asset_amount
asset_amount : algopy.UInt64
value in Asset’s units
property asset_close_to
asset_close_to : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property asset_receiver
asset_receiver : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property asset_sender
asset_sender : algopy.Account
32 byte address. Source of assets if Sender is the Asset’s Clawback address.
property fee
fee : algopy.UInt64
property first_valid
first_valid : algopy.UInt64
round number
property first_valid_time
first_valid_time : algopy.UInt64
UNIX timestamp of block before txn.FirstValid. Fails if negative
property group_index
group_index : algopy.UInt64
Position of this transaction within an atomic transaction group. A stand-alone transaction is implicitly element 0 in a group of 1
property last_valid
last_valid : algopy.UInt64
round number
property lease
lease : algopy.Bytes
32 byte lease value
property note
note : algopy.Bytes
Any data up to 1024 bytes
property rekey_to
rekey_to : algopy.Account
32 byte Sender’s new AuthAddr
property sender
sender : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property txn_id
txn_id : algopy.Bytes
The computed ID for this transaction. 32 bytes.
property type
type : algopy.TransactionType
Transaction type as integer
property type_bytes
type_bytes : algopy.Bytes
Transaction type as bytes
property xfer_asset
xfer_asset : algopy.Asset
Asset ID
class algopy.itxn.InnerTransaction
InnerTransaction(*, type: algopy.TransactionType, receiver: algopy.Account | str = …, amount: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, close_remainder_to: algopy.Account | str = …, vote_key: algopy.Bytes | bytes = …, selection_key: algopy.Bytes | bytes = …, vote_first: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, vote_last: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, vote_key_dilution: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, non_participation: algopy.UInt64 | int | bool = …, state_proof_key: algopy.Bytes | bytes = …, config_asset: algopy.Asset | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, total: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, unit_name: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, asset_name: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, decimals: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, default_frozen: bool = …, url: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | bytes | str = …, metadata_hash: algopy.Bytes | bytes = …, manager: algopy.Account | str = …, reserve: algopy.Account | str = …, freeze: algopy.Account | str = …, clawback: algopy.Account | str = …, xfer_asset: algopy.Asset | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, asset_amount: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, asset_sender: algopy.Account | str = …, asset_receiver: algopy.Account | str = …, asset_close_to: algopy.Account | str = …, freeze_asset: algopy.Asset | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, freeze_account: algopy.Account | str = …, frozen: bool = …, app_id: algopy.Application | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, approval_program: algopy.Bytes | bytes | tuple[algopy.Bytes, …] = …, clear_state_program: algopy.Bytes | bytes | tuple[algopy.Bytes, …] = …, on_completion: algopy.OnCompleteAction | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, global_num_uint: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, global_num_bytes: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, local_num_uint: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, local_num_bytes: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, extra_program_pages: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, app_args: tuple[object, …] = …, accounts: tuple[algopy.Account, …] = …, assets: tuple[algopy.Asset, …] = …, apps: tuple[algopy.Application, …] = …, sender: algopy.Account | str = …, fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, note: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = …)
Creates a set of fields used to submit an inner transaction of any type
copy() → Self
Copies a set of inner transaction parameters
set(*, type: algopy.TransactionType = …, receiver: algopy.Account | str = …, amount: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, close_remainder_to: algopy.Account | str = …, vote_key: algopy.Bytes | bytes = …, selection_key: algopy.Bytes | bytes = …, vote_first: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, vote_last: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, vote_key_dilution: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, non_participation: algopy.UInt64 | int | bool = …, state_proof_key: algopy.Bytes | bytes = …, config_asset: algopy.Asset | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, total: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, unit_name: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, asset_name: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, decimals: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, default_frozen: bool = …, url: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | bytes | str = …, metadata_hash: algopy.Bytes | bytes = …, manager: algopy.Account | str = …, reserve: algopy.Account | str = …, freeze: algopy.Account | str = …, clawback: algopy.Account | str = …, xfer_asset: algopy.Asset | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, asset_amount: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, asset_sender: algopy.Account | str = …, asset_receiver: algopy.Account | str = …, asset_close_to: algopy.Account | str = …, freeze_asset: algopy.Asset | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, freeze_account: algopy.Account | str = …, frozen: bool = …, app_id: algopy.Application | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, approval_program: algopy.Bytes | bytes | tuple[algopy.Bytes, …] = …, clear_state_program: algopy.Bytes | bytes | tuple[algopy.Bytes, …] = …, on_completion: algopy.OnCompleteAction | algopy.UInt64 | int = …, global_num_uint: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, global_num_bytes: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, local_num_uint: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, local_num_bytes: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, extra_program_pages: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, app_args: tuple[object, …] = …, accounts: tuple[algopy.Account, …] = …, assets: tuple[algopy.Asset, …] = …, apps: tuple[algopy.Application, …] = …, sender: algopy.Account | str = …, fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, note: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = …) → None
Updates inner transaction parameter values
submit() → algopy.itxn._TResult_co
Submits inner transaction parameters and returns the resulting inner transaction
class algopy.itxn.InnerTransactionResult
An inner transaction of any type
accounts(index: algopy.UInt64 | int, /) → algopy.Account
Accounts listed in the ApplicationCall transaction
property amount
amount : algopy.UInt64
app_args(index: algopy.UInt64 | int, /) → algopy.Bytes
Arguments passed to the application in the ApplicationCall transaction
property app_id
app_id : algopy.Application
ApplicationID from ApplicationCall transaction
property approval_program
approval_program : algopy.Bytes
Approval program
approval_program_pages(index: algopy.UInt64 | int, /) → algopy.Bytes
Approval Program as an array of pages
apps(index: algopy.UInt64 | int, /) → algopy.Application
Foreign Apps listed in the ApplicationCall transaction
property asset_amount
asset_amount : algopy.UInt64
value in Asset’s units
property asset_close_to
asset_close_to : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property asset_name
asset_name : algopy.Bytes
The asset name
property asset_receiver
asset_receiver : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property asset_sender
asset_sender : algopy.Account
32 byte address. Source of assets if Sender is the Asset’s Clawback address.
assets(index: algopy.UInt64 | int, /) → algopy.Asset
Foreign Assets listed in the ApplicationCall transaction
property clawback
clawback : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property clear_state_program
clear_state_program : algopy.Bytes
Clear State program
clear_state_program_pages(index: algopy.UInt64 | int, /) → algopy.Bytes
Clear State Program as an array of pages
property close_remainder_to
close_remainder_to : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property config_asset
config_asset : algopy.Asset
Asset ID in asset config transaction
property created_app
created_app : algopy.Application
ApplicationID allocated by the creation of an application
property created_asset
created_asset : algopy.Asset
Asset ID allocated by the creation of an ASA
property decimals
decimals : algopy.UInt64
Number of digits to display after the decimal place when displaying the asset
property default_frozen
default_frozen : bool
Whether the asset’s slots are frozen by default or not, 0 or 1
property extra_program_pages
extra_program_pages : algopy.UInt64
Number of additional pages for each of the application’s approval and clear state programs. An ExtraProgramPages of 1 means 2048 more total bytes, or 1024 for each program.
property fee
fee : algopy.UInt64
property first_valid
first_valid : algopy.UInt64
round number
property first_valid_time
first_valid_time : algopy.UInt64
UNIX timestamp of block before txn.FirstValid. Fails if negative
property freeze
freeze : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property freeze_account
freeze_account : algopy.Account
32 byte address of the account whose asset slot is being frozen or un-frozen
property freeze_asset
freeze_asset : algopy.Asset
Asset ID being frozen or un-frozen
property frozen
frozen : bool
The new frozen value, 0 or 1
property global_num_bytes
global_num_bytes : algopy.UInt64
Number of global state byteslices in ApplicationCall
property global_num_uint
global_num_uint : algopy.UInt64
Number of global state integers in ApplicationCall
property group_index
group_index : algopy.UInt64
Position of this transaction within an atomic transaction group. A stand-alone transaction is implicitly element 0 in a group of 1
property last_log
last_log : algopy.Bytes
The last message emitted. Empty bytes if none were emitted. Application mode only
property last_valid
last_valid : algopy.UInt64
round number
property lease
lease : algopy.Bytes
32 byte lease value
property local_num_bytes
local_num_bytes : algopy.UInt64
Number of local state byteslices in ApplicationCall
property local_num_uint
local_num_uint : algopy.UInt64
Number of local state integers in ApplicationCall
logs(index: algopy.UInt64 | int) → algopy.Bytes
Log messages emitted by an application call
property manager
manager : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property metadata_hash
metadata_hash : algopy.Bytes
32 byte commitment to unspecified asset metadata
property non_participation
non_participation : bool
Marks an account nonparticipating for rewards
property note
note : algopy.Bytes
Any data up to 1024 bytes
property num_accounts
num_accounts : algopy.UInt64
Number of ApplicationArgs
property num_app_args
num_app_args : algopy.UInt64
Number of ApplicationArgs
property num_approval_program_pages
num_approval_program_pages : algopy.UInt64
Number of Approval Program pages
property num_apps
num_apps : algopy.UInt64
Number of Applications
property num_assets
num_assets : algopy.UInt64
Number of Assets
property num_clear_state_program_pages
num_clear_state_program_pages : algopy.UInt64
Number of Clear State Program pages
property num_logs
num_logs : algopy.UInt64
Number of logs
property on_completion
on_completion : algopy.OnCompleteAction
ApplicationCall transaction on completion action
property receiver
receiver : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property rekey_to
rekey_to : algopy.Account
32 byte Sender’s new AuthAddr
property reserve
reserve : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property selection_key
selection_key : algopy.Bytes
32 byte address
property sender
sender : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property state_proof_key
state_proof_key : algopy.Bytes
64 byte state proof public key
property total
total : algopy.UInt64
Total number of units of this asset created
property txn_id
txn_id : algopy.Bytes
The computed ID for this transaction. 32 bytes.
property type
type : algopy.TransactionType
Transaction type as integer
property type_bytes
type_bytes : algopy.Bytes
Transaction type as bytes
property unit_name
unit_name : algopy.Bytes
Unit name of the asset
property url
url : algopy.Bytes
property vote_first
vote_first : algopy.UInt64
The first round that the participation key is valid.
property vote_key
vote_key : algopy.Bytes
32 byte address
property vote_key_dilution
vote_key_dilution : algopy.UInt64
Dilution for the 2-level participation key
property vote_last
vote_last : algopy.UInt64
The last round that the participation key is valid.
property xfer_asset
xfer_asset : algopy.Asset
Asset ID
class algopy.itxn.KeyRegistration
KeyRegistration(*, vote_key: algopy.Bytes | bytes, selection_key: algopy.Bytes | bytes, vote_first: algopy.UInt64 | int, vote_last: algopy.UInt64 | int, vote_key_dilution: algopy.UInt64 | int, non_participation: algopy.UInt64 | int | bool = …, state_proof_key: algopy.Bytes | bytes = …, sender: algopy.Account | str = …, fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, note: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = …)
Creates a set of fields used to submit a Key Registration inner transaction
copy() → Self
Copies a set of inner transaction parameters
set(*, vote_key: algopy.Bytes | bytes = …, selection_key: algopy.Bytes | bytes = …, vote_first: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, vote_last: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, vote_key_dilution: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, non_participation: algopy.UInt64 | int | bool = …, state_proof_key: algopy.Bytes | bytes = …, sender: algopy.Account | str = …, fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, note: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = …) → None
Updates inner transaction parameter values
submit() → algopy.itxn._TResult_co
Submits inner transaction parameters and returns the resulting inner transaction
class algopy.itxn.KeyRegistrationInnerTransaction
Key Registration inner transaction
property fee
fee : algopy.UInt64
property first_valid
first_valid : algopy.UInt64
round number
property first_valid_time
first_valid_time : algopy.UInt64
UNIX timestamp of block before txn.FirstValid. Fails if negative
property group_index
group_index : algopy.UInt64
Position of this transaction within an atomic transaction group. A stand-alone transaction is implicitly element 0 in a group of 1
property last_valid
last_valid : algopy.UInt64
round number
property lease
lease : algopy.Bytes
32 byte lease value
property non_participation
non_participation : bool
Marks an account nonparticipating for rewards
property note
note : algopy.Bytes
Any data up to 1024 bytes
property rekey_to
rekey_to : algopy.Account
32 byte Sender’s new AuthAddr
property selection_key
selection_key : algopy.Bytes
32 byte address
property sender
sender : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property state_proof_key
state_proof_key : algopy.Bytes
64 byte state proof public key
property txn_id
txn_id : algopy.Bytes
The computed ID for this transaction. 32 bytes.
property type
type : algopy.TransactionType
Transaction type as integer
property type_bytes
type_bytes : algopy.Bytes
Transaction type as bytes
property vote_first
vote_first : algopy.UInt64
The first round that the participation key is valid.
property vote_key
vote_key : algopy.Bytes
32 byte address
property vote_key_dilution
vote_key_dilution : algopy.UInt64
Dilution for the 2-level participation key
property vote_last
vote_last : algopy.UInt64
The last round that the participation key is valid.
class algopy.itxn.Payment
Payment(*, receiver: algopy.Account | str, amount: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, close_remainder_to: algopy.Account | str = …, sender: algopy.Account | str = …, fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, note: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = …)
Creates a set of fields used to submit a Payment inner transaction
copy() → Self
Copies a set of inner transaction parameters
set(*, receiver: algopy.Account | str = …, amount: algopy.UInt64 | int = …, close_remainder_to: algopy.Account | str = …, sender: algopy.Account | str = …, fee: algopy.UInt64 | int = 0, note: algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | str | bytes = …, rekey_to: algopy.Account | str = …) → None
Updates inner transaction parameter values
submit() → algopy.itxn._TResult_co
Submits inner transaction parameters and returns the resulting inner transaction
class algopy.itxn.PaymentInnerTransaction
Payment inner transaction
property amount
amount : algopy.UInt64
property close_remainder_to
close_remainder_to : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property fee
fee : algopy.UInt64
property first_valid
first_valid : algopy.UInt64
round number
property first_valid_time
first_valid_time : algopy.UInt64
UNIX timestamp of block before txn.FirstValid. Fails if negative
property group_index
group_index : algopy.UInt64
Position of this transaction within an atomic transaction group. A stand-alone transaction is implicitly element 0 in a group of 1
property last_valid
last_valid : algopy.UInt64
round number
property lease
lease : algopy.Bytes
32 byte lease value
property note
note : algopy.Bytes
Any data up to 1024 bytes
property receiver
receiver : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property rekey_to
rekey_to : algopy.Account
32 byte Sender’s new AuthAddr
property sender
sender : algopy.Account
32 byte address
property txn_id
txn_id : algopy.Bytes
The computed ID for this transaction. 32 bytes.
property type
type : algopy.TransactionType
Transaction type as integer
property type_bytes
type_bytes : algopy.Bytes
Transaction type as bytes
submit_txns(_t1: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T1], _t2: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T2], _t3: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T3], _t4: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T4], _t5: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T5], _t6: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T6], _t7: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T7], _t8: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T8], _t9: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T9], _t10: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T10], _t11: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T11], _t12: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T12], _t13: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T13], _t14: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T14], _t15: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T15], _t16: algopy.itxn._InnerTransaction[algopy.itxn._T16], /) → tuple[algopy.itxn._T1, algopy.itxn._T2, algopy.itxn._T3, algopy.itxn._T4, algopy.itxn._T5, algopy.itxn._T6, algopy.itxn._T7, algopy.itxn._T8, algopy.itxn._T9, algopy.itxn._T10, algopy.itxn._T11, algopy.itxn._T12, algopy.itxn._T13, algopy.itxn._T14, algopy.itxn._T15, algopy.itxn._T16]
Submits a group of up to 16 inner transactions parameters
:returns: A tuple of the resulting inner transactions