ApplicationClient | A class that wraps an ARC-0032 app spec and provides high productivity methods to deploy and call the app |
execute_atc_with_logic_error | Calls AtomicTransactionComposer.execute() on provided atc , but will parse any errorsand raise a LogicError if possible |
get_next_version | Calculates the next version from current_version |
get_sender_from_signer | Returns the associated address of a signer, return None if no address found |
num_extra_program_pages | Calculate minimum number of extra_pages required for provided approval and clear programs |
substitute_template_and_compile | Substitutes the provided template_values into app_spec and compiles |
__all__ | Alias for pyteal.ABIReturnSubroutine , algosdk.abi.method.Method or a str representing an ABI method name or signature |
logger | A dictionary dict[str, Any] representing ABI argument names and values |
class algokit_utils.application_client.ApplicationClient
ApplicationClient(algod_client: algosdk.v2client.algod.AlgodClient, app_spec: algokit_utils.application_specification.ApplicationSpecification | pathlib.Path, *, app_id: int = 0, creator: str | algokit_utils.models.Account | None = None, indexer_client: IndexerClient | None = None, existing_deployments: algokit_utils.deploy.AppLookup | None = None, signer: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.TransactionSigner | algokit_utils.models.Account | None = None, sender: str | None = None, suggested_params: algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams | None = None, template_values: algokit_utils.deploy.TemplateValueMapping | None = None, app_name: str | None = None)
A class that wraps an ARC-0032 app spec and provides high productivity methods to deploy and call the app
ApplicationClient can be created with an app_id to interact with an existing application, alternatively it can be created with a creator and indexer_client specified to find existing applications by name and creator.
:param AlgodClient algod_client: AlgoSDK algod client :param ApplicationSpecification | Path app_spec: An Application Specification or the path to one :param int app_id: The app_id of an existing application, to instead find the application by creator and name use the creator and indexer_client parameters :param str | Account creator: The address or Account of the app creator to resolve the app_id :param IndexerClient indexer_client: AlgoSDK indexer client, only required if deploying or finding app_id by creator and app name :param AppLookup existing_deployments: :param TransactionSigner | Account signer: Account or signer to use to sign transactions, if not specified and creator was passed as an Account will use that. :param str sender: Address to use as the sender for all transactions, will use the address associated with the signer if not specified. :param TemplateValueMapping template_values: Values to use for TMPL_* template variables, dictionary keys should NOT include the TMPL_ prefix :param str | None app_name: Name of application to use when deploying, defaults to name defined on the Application Specification
add_method_call(atc: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.AtomicTransactionComposer, abi_method: algokit_utils.models.ABIMethod | bool | None = None, *, abi_args: algokit_utils.models.ABIArgsDict | None = None, app_id: int | None = None, parameters: algokit_utils.models.TransactionParameters | algokit_utils.models.TransactionParametersDict | None = None, on_complete: algosdk.transaction.OnComplete = transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, local_schema: algosdk.transaction.StateSchema | None = None, global_schema: algosdk.transaction.StateSchema | None = None, approval_program: bytes | None = None, clear_program: bytes | None = None, extra_pages: int | None = None, app_args: list[bytes] | None = None, call_config: algokit_utils.application_specification.CallConfig = au_spec.CallConfig.CALL) → None
Adds a transaction to the AtomicTransactionComposer passed
call(call_abi_method: algokit_utils.models.ABIMethod | bool | None = None, transaction_parameters: algokit_utils.models.OnCompleteCallParameters | algokit_utils.models.OnCompleteCallParametersDict | None = None, **abi_kwargs: algokit_utils.models.ABIArgType) → algokit_utils.models.TransactionResponse | algokit_utils.models.ABITransactionResponse
Submits a signed transaction with specified parameters
clear_state(transaction_parameters: algokit_utils.models.TransactionParameters | algokit_utils.models.TransactionParametersDict | None = None, app_args: list[bytes] | None = None) → algokit_utils.models.TransactionResponse
Submits a signed transaction with on_complete=ClearState
close_out(call_abi_method: algokit_utils.models.ABIMethod | bool | None = None, transaction_parameters: algokit_utils.models.TransactionParameters | algokit_utils.models.TransactionParametersDict | None = None, **abi_kwargs: algokit_utils.models.ABIArgType) → algokit_utils.models.TransactionResponse | algokit_utils.models.ABITransactionResponse
Submits a signed transaction with on_complete=CloseOut
compose_call(atc: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.AtomicTransactionComposer, /, call_abi_method: algokit_utils.models.ABIMethod | bool | None = None, transaction_parameters: algokit_utils.models.OnCompleteCallParameters | algokit_utils.models.OnCompleteCallParametersDict | None = None, **abi_kwargs: algokit_utils.models.ABIArgType) → None
Adds a signed transaction with specified parameters to atc
compose_clear_state(atc: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.AtomicTransactionComposer, /, transaction_parameters: algokit_utils.models.TransactionParameters | algokit_utils.models.TransactionParametersDict | None = None, app_args: list[bytes] | None = None) → None
Adds a signed transaction with on_complete=ClearState to atc
compose_close_out(atc: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.AtomicTransactionComposer, /, call_abi_method: algokit_utils.models.ABIMethod | bool | None = None, transaction_parameters: algokit_utils.models.TransactionParameters | algokit_utils.models.TransactionParametersDict | None = None, **abi_kwargs: algokit_utils.models.ABIArgType) → None
Adds a signed transaction with on_complete=CloseOut to ac
compose_create(atc: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.AtomicTransactionComposer, /, call_abi_method: algokit_utils.models.ABIMethod | bool | None = None, transaction_parameters: algokit_utils.models.CreateCallParameters | algokit_utils.models.CreateCallParametersDict | None = None, **abi_kwargs: algokit_utils.models.ABIArgType) → None
Adds a signed transaction with application id == 0 and the schema and source of client’s app_spec to atc
compose_delete(atc: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.AtomicTransactionComposer, /, call_abi_method: algokit_utils.models.ABIMethod | bool | None = None, transaction_parameters: algokit_utils.models.TransactionParameters | algokit_utils.models.TransactionParametersDict | None = None, **abi_kwargs: algokit_utils.models.ABIArgType) → None
Adds a signed transaction with on_complete=DeleteApplication to atc
compose_opt_in(atc: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.AtomicTransactionComposer, /, call_abi_method: algokit_utils.models.ABIMethod | bool | None = None, transaction_parameters: algokit_utils.models.TransactionParameters | algokit_utils.models.TransactionParametersDict | None = None, **abi_kwargs: algokit_utils.models.ABIArgType) → None
Adds a signed transaction with on_complete=OptIn to atc
compose_update(atc: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.AtomicTransactionComposer, /, call_abi_method: algokit_utils.models.ABIMethod | bool | None = None, transaction_parameters: algokit_utils.models.TransactionParameters | algokit_utils.models.TransactionParametersDict | None = None, **abi_kwargs: algokit_utils.models.ABIArgType) → None
Adds a signed transaction with on_complete=UpdateApplication to atc
create(call_abi_method: algokit_utils.models.ABIMethod | bool | None = None, transaction_parameters: algokit_utils.models.CreateCallParameters | algokit_utils.models.CreateCallParametersDict | None = None, **abi_kwargs: algokit_utils.models.ABIArgType) → algokit_utils.models.TransactionResponse | algokit_utils.models.ABITransactionResponse
Submits a signed transaction with application id == 0 and the schema and source of client’s app_spec
delete(call_abi_method: algokit_utils.models.ABIMethod | bool | None = None, transaction_parameters: algokit_utils.models.TransactionParameters | algokit_utils.models.TransactionParametersDict | None = None, **abi_kwargs: algokit_utils.models.ABIArgType) → algokit_utils.models.TransactionResponse | algokit_utils.models.ABITransactionResponse
Submits a signed transaction with on_complete=DeleteApplication
deploy(version: str | None = None, *, signer: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.TransactionSigner | None = None, sender: str | None = None, allow_update: bool | None = None, allow_delete: bool | None = None, on_update: algokit_utils.deploy.OnUpdate = au_deploy.OnUpdate.Fail, on_schema_break: algokit_utils.deploy.OnSchemaBreak = au_deploy.OnSchemaBreak.Fail, template_values: algokit_utils.deploy.TemplateValueMapping | None = None, create_args: algokit_utils.deploy.ABICreateCallArgs | algokit_utils.deploy.ABICreateCallArgsDict | algokit_utils.deploy.DeployCreateCallArgs | None = None, update_args: algokit_utils.deploy.ABICallArgs | algokit_utils.deploy.ABICallArgsDict | algokit_utils.deploy.DeployCallArgs | None = None, delete_args: algokit_utils.deploy.ABICallArgs | algokit_utils.deploy.ABICallArgsDict | algokit_utils.deploy.DeployCallArgs | None = None) → algokit_utils.deploy.DeployResponse
Deploy an application and update client to reference it.
Idempotently deploy (create, update/delete if changed) an app against the given name via the given creator account, including deploy-time template placeholder substitutions. To understand the architecture decisions behind this functionality please see
:param str version: version to use when creating or updating app, if None version will be auto incremented
:param algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.TransactionSigner signer: signer to use when deploying app
, if None uses self.signer
:param str sender: sender address to use when deploying app, if None uses self.sender
:param bool allow_delete: Used to set the TMPL_DELETABLE
template variable to conditionally control if an app
can be deleted
:param bool allow_update: Used to set the TMPL_UPDATABLE
template variable to conditionally control if an app
can be updated
:param OnUpdate on_update: Determines what action to take if an application update is required
:param OnSchemaBreak on_schema_break: Determines what action to take if an application schema requirements
has increased beyond the current allocation
:param dict[str, int|str|bytes] template_values: Values to use for TMPL_*
template variables, dictionary keys
should NOT include the TMPL_ prefix
:param ABICreateCallArgs create_args: Arguments used when creating an application
:param ABICallArgs | ABICallArgsDict update_args: Arguments used when updating an application
:param ABICallArgs | ABICallArgsDict delete_args: Arguments used when deleting an application
:return DeployResponse: details action taken and relevant transactions
:raises DeploymentError: If the deployment failed
export_source_map() → str | None
Export approval source map to JSON, can be later re-imported with import_source_map
get_global_state(*, raw: bool = False) → dict[bytes | str, bytes | str | int]
Gets the global state info associated with app_id
get_local_state(account: str | None = None, *, raw: bool = False) → dict[bytes | str, bytes | str | int]
Gets the local state info for associated app_id and account/sender
get_signer_sender(signer: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.TransactionSigner | None = None, sender: str | None = None) → tuple[algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.TransactionSigner | None, str | None]
Return signer and sender, using default values on client if not specified
Will use provided values if given, otherwise will fall back to values defined on client. If no sender is specified then will attempt to obtain sender from signer
import_source_map(source_map_json: str) → None
Import approval source from JSON exported by export_source_map
opt_in(call_abi_method: algokit_utils.models.ABIMethod | bool | None = None, transaction_parameters: algokit_utils.models.TransactionParameters | algokit_utils.models.TransactionParametersDict | None = None, **abi_kwargs: algokit_utils.models.ABIArgType) → algokit_utils.models.TransactionResponse | algokit_utils.models.ABITransactionResponse
Submits a signed transaction with on_complete=OptIn
prepare(signer: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.TransactionSigner | algokit_utils.models.Account | None = None, sender: str | None = None, app_id: int | None = None, template_values: algokit_utils.deploy.TemplateValueDict | None = None) → algokit_utils.application_client.ApplicationClient
Creates a copy of this ApplicationClient, using the new signer, sender and app_id values if provided. Will also substitute provided template_values into the associated app_spec in the copy
resolve(to_resolve: algokit_utils.application_specification.DefaultArgumentDict) → int | str | bytes
Resolves the default value for an ABI method, based on app_spec
resolve_signer_sender(signer: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.TransactionSigner | None = None, sender: str | None = None) → tuple[algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.TransactionSigner, str]
Return signer and sender, using default values on client if not specified
Will use provided values if given, otherwise will fall back to values defined on client. If no sender is specified then will attempt to obtain sender from signer
:raises ValueError: Raised if a signer or sender is not provided. See get_signer_sender
for variant with no exception
update(call_abi_method: algokit_utils.models.ABIMethod | bool | None = None, transaction_parameters: algokit_utils.models.TransactionParameters | algokit_utils.models.TransactionParametersDict | None = None, **abi_kwargs: algokit_utils.models.ABIArgType) → algokit_utils.models.TransactionResponse | algokit_utils.models.ABITransactionResponse
Submits a signed transaction with on_complete=UpdateApplication
[‘ApplicationClient’, ‘execute_atc_with_logic_error’, ‘get_next_version’, ‘get_sender_from_signer’, …
Alias for pyteal.ABIReturnSubroutine
, algosdk.abi.method.Method
or a str
representing an ABI method name or signature
execute_atc_with_logic_error(atc: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.AtomicTransactionComposer, algod_client: algosdk.v2client.algod.AlgodClient, approval_program: str, wait_rounds: int = 4, approval_source_map: algosdk.source_map.SourceMap | Callable[[], algosdk.source_map.SourceMap | None] | None = None) → algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.AtomicTransactionResponse
Calls AtomicTransactionComposer.execute()
on provided atc
, but will parse any errors
and raise a LogicError
if possible
get_next_version(current_version: str) → str
Calculates the next version from current_version
Next version is calculated by finding a semver like
version string and incrementing the lower. This function is used by ApplicationClient.deploy()
a version is not specified, and is intended mostly for convenience during local development.
:params str current_version: An existing version string with a semver like version contained within it,
some valid inputs and incremented outputs:
-> 2
-> 1.1
-> v1.2
-> v1.2-beta1
-> v1.2.3.4568
-> v1.2.3.4568-alpha
:raises DeploymentFailedError: If current_version
cannot be parsed
get_sender_from_signer(signer: algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer.TransactionSigner | None) → str | None
Returns the associated address of a signer, return None if no address found
A dictionary dict[str, Any]
representing ABI argument names and values
num_extra_program_pages(approval: bytes, clear: bytes) → int
Calculate minimum number of extra_pages required for provided approval and clear programs
substitute_template_and_compile(algod_client: algosdk.v2client.algod.AlgodClient, app_spec: algokit_utils.application_specification.ApplicationSpecification, template_values: algokit_utils.deploy.TemplateValueMapping) → tuple[algokit_utils.common.Program, algokit_utils.common.Program]
Substitutes the provided template_values into app_spec and compiles